Life as an Introvert

What is an introvert and what is an extrovert? I'm not going to go into detail on what the difference between introvert and extrovert but basically an introvert is the kind of people who enjoy peace and quite and an extrovert is the kind of people who enjoy partying with other people. Although there are hybrid or they call it ambivert but lets not talk about that.

Living in a world fill with extrovert (50%-75%) is not that easy especially when most extrovert thinks being an introvert is anti-social. And because of this many introvert gave in and change themselves to an extrovert which to me is a very sad thing to happen. I'm not saying that being an extrovert is bad but if everyone only play and enjoy rock music there will be no more jazz music around. We need a world where we have different people with different personality.

Extroverts tend to tell me that we need to socialize and how to live my life as an extrovert. I understand that they are being nice but I just don't know to explain to them that I'm an introvert and that is how an introvert behave so at the end I would just have to pretend that I agree with them so that they can stop pestering me.

The other problem with being an introvert is for an introvert to meet people who are introvert. Now that we have wikipedia, going to the library is a waste of time. Plus we can also download any movies/documentary from the web so most of the time we will be doing everything at home. So I find it very hard to meet with people who share the same interest or someone to share my interest.

Sometimes I just feel that we the introvert need to have a place/activity so that we could meet up to share our ideas, make new friends and possibly meet our soulmate too.

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